Chinese New Year Cleansing

Joplin says that they are not tiny explosives -- they are regular firecracker size - 1 to 2" long, and there are maybe 100 in a pack.
In any case, these firecrackers blessed every single house in town, several times. Groups of people from the temples came by, carrying a shrine on their shoulders, and exploding fireworks as they walked door to door. People stood there, being blessed, and then put a red envelope (with cash) in the collection basket. Then after the explosive-fest went to the next neighborhood, everyone got out on the street and swept up firecracker wrappers. There was a little bonfire on our street, and McKinley helped sweep up unexploded poppers into the flames where they went whoosh-POW!

By the time Chinese New Year was over, we felt really ready, really cleansed and prepared for a new year to begin. It was a strong, strange feeling.
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