Sports Day
Now this is something we ought to do. We thought so when we were in Japan, and now we think so double over - or quintupple over, as Joplin has five schools, and each school does a sports day.
Here's the recipe:
1. Rehearse a class 'dance' for months.
2. Make class costumes (out of paper plates, streamers, colored garbage bags, etc.)
3. Practice racing, tug-of-war, etc.
4. Invite the whole town
On a given Saturday, arrange for bright fine weather, set up tents for the spectators, decorate the school, invite dignitaries to lend dignity to the event, and hold a Sports Day Festival.
Each class is a team, and marches in behind their class flag, during opening ceremonies. They stand and salute the flag, and sing the anthem, then listen to the requisite inspirational speeches (a little dull if you don't understand the language very well!) Then each class does a performance dance, enthusiastically aerobic, complete with song. In our five schools, the aboriginal children performed as well, a full dance and music with traditional costumes.
Then let the Games Begin!
Each grade runs races, relay races, balloon-between-the-belly races, hopping through the hula-hoop races, ball-between-your-backs races, parents chuff the beer and rice balls races, and many parent-and-child races.
It is such fun, a great community event, with a long lunch break where everyone eats lunch under the tents, and babies run around trying to compete with their speedy uncles. Kids and parents anticipate this day for months, and everyone does their best to get in shape.
This is one custom we really ought to adopt!!!
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